Build Your
Loyal Customer Family!
Ukonekt Coffee Cups
Open a Window
of Opportunity
Our unique Double Wall cups are the link from
your UKonekt dashboard to your customers.
Open the window, scan the code;
it’s as simple as that!

Open a Window
of Opportunity
Our unique Double Wall cups are the link from
your UKonekt dashboard to your customers.
Open the window, scan the code;
it’s as simple as that!

Ukonekt with
your customers
Customers are connected, empowered, socially networked, and incredibly informed – but are you connecting with them?

Engage, Konekt and Talk
Build your Tribe by using our premium Double Wall cups:
Run engaging, personalised customer campaigns like competitions or prize giveaways or instant wins
Develop shared value content that your customers will want to share with their friends
Track and reward customer loyalty to increase customer visits, repeat visits and profitability.

Capture Missed
To Konekt with your
No more lost opportunities, capture your
UKonekt moments; those times when
customers are holding your branded coffee cups but your brand is not talking back to them.

Fully Customisable
And super powerful
The UKonekt platform is fully customisable so it’s YOUR brand and YOUR campaigns that customers interacting with. Schedule, review and analyse all interactions, check it out…